Welcome Webinar on New JGate@CeRA platform 20.05.2020
Nehru Library, IGKV, Raipur organized a “Webinar on Introduction of New JGate@CeRA platform” “20.05.2020 at 12.00 PM in collaboration with Informatics, Bangluru through Cisco Webex platform.
The Webinar was inaugured by the Chief Guest Dr. S.K. Patil, Hon’ble Vice Chancellor of IGKV, Raipur. In his inaugural address, Dr. Patil said that students of IGKV showing their good performance in different forums and appreciated the initiatives of IGKV library to update their users through informative webinar during this critical Covid-19 circumstances. IGKV received continuously award for maximum use of CeRA.
Mr, S.K. Joshi Chief CeRA and Business Manager, Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi explains in detail about CeRA activities in different SAUs and ICAR institutes under ICAR umbrella. ICAR is continuously providing lot of financial suport for upliftment of agricultural research and education through this consortium.
Mr. Sanjay Grover, CEO, Informatics, Bangluru, presented a very informative presentation during the webinar. He told about the usage and achievements of CeRA. Followed by Resource person of Webinar Mr. M. N. Sarkar presented a very thorough and informative presentation about new features and functionalities of CeRA and aware the participants how to retrieve fulltext and request based desired information in a few clicks.
Dr. K. Veeranjaneyulu, President, Association of Agricultural Librarians and Documentalists of India (AALDI) and Librarian, NIT, Warangal addressed all the participants with an informative speech. He told about CABI database which is rich source of agricultural database and use of other Library resources and Research Gate to manage a person’s research work.
More than 120 participants including Vishwavidyalaya authorities, Deans, Directors , Professors, Scientiests, Librarians and students attended this webinar and in chat box all the participants shown the importance of webinar during this critical circumstances.
Welcome address delivered by Dr. Madhav Pandey, University Librarian, IGKV, Raipur and webinar was concluded with vote of thanks proposed by Monika Sharma, Asstt Librarian.